IUxrControllerInput.SendGrabbableHapticFeedback Method

Overload List

Public methodSendGrabbableHapticFeedback(UxrGrabbableObject, UxrHapticClip) Sends haptic feedback to XR controllers that are being used to manipulate a grabbable object. Each hand associated to an XR controller that is grabbing the object will receive haptic feedback.
Public methodSendGrabbableHapticFeedback(UxrGrabbableObject, UxrHapticClipType, Single, Single, UxrHapticMode) Sends haptic feedback to XR controllers that are being used to manipulate a grabbable object. Each hand associated to an XR controller that is grabbing the object will receive haptic feedback.

See Also


IUxrControllerInput Interface
UltimateXR.Devices Namespace