UltimateXR.Devices Namespace


Public classUxrControllerHapticEventArgs Wraps information about a haptic request event.
Public classUxrControllerInput Controller base class for all VR input devices, supporting single controllers and dual controller setups.
Public classUxrControllerTracking Base class for standard tracking of left+right VR controllers.
Public classUxrDeviceConnectEventArgs Device connection/disconnection event arguments.
Public classUxrHandTracking Base class for hand tracking. Includes base functionality to update the avatar and calibrate the skeleton based on a well-known pose.
Public classUxrInput1DEventArgs Stores information of a UxrInput1D input event.
Public classUxrInput2DEventArgs Stores information of a UxrInput2D input event.
Public classUxrInputButtonEventArgs Stores information of a UxrInputButtons input event.
Public classUxrTrackingDevice Base class for tracking devices.


Public interfaceIUxrControllerInput Controller interface for all XR input devices, supporting single controller and dual controller setups.
Public interfaceIUxrControllerTracking Controller tracking interface for all VR input devices, supporting single controllers and dual controller setups.
Public interfaceIUxrDevice Interface for VR devices, mainly designed to abstract tracking/input devices.
Public interfaceIUxrTrackingDevice Interface for tracking devices.


Public enumerationUxrButtonEventType Enumerates the event types supported by a controller button action
Public enumerationUxrControllerElements Enumerates all possible elements that can be interacted with in a VR controller. Each controller can describe which elements are supported through HasControllerElements(UxrHandSide, UxrControllerElements).
Protected enumerationUxrControllerInput.ButtonFlags Enumerates the different button flags representing button states. Flags are described by UxrInputButtons.
Public enumerationUxrControllerInputCapabilities Enumerates the possible capabilities of a VR controller.
Public enumerationUxrControllerSetupType Enumerates the different controller setups supported by an UxrControllerInput component.
Public enumerationUxrInput1D Enumerates the possible elements in a VR controller that have a single axis input.
Public enumerationUxrInput2D Enumerates the possible elements in a VR controller that have a 2-axis input.
Public enumerationUxrInputButtons Enumerates all buttons in a VR controller. They are flags so that they can be combined when calling different methods.