UxrGrabPointInfo.GetGripPoseInfo Method (UxrAvatar, Boolean)

Gets the grip pose info for the given avatar instance or prefab.

Namespace: UltimateXR.Manipulation
Assembly: UltimateXR (in UltimateXR.dll) Version:



public UxrGripPoseInfo GetGripPoseInfo(
	UxrAvatar avatar,
	bool usePrefabInheritance = true



Type: UltimateXR.Avatar.UxrAvatar
Avatar to get the grip pose info for
usePrefabInheritance (Optional)
Type: System.Boolean
If the given avatar prefab info wasn’t found, whether to look for the pose info for any prefab above the first prefab in the hierarchy. This allows child prefabs to inherit poses and manipulation settings of parent prefabs

Return Value

Type: UxrGripPoseInfo
Grip pose info. If [!:usePrefabInheritance] is false it will return null if the given prefab wasn’t found. If [!:usePrefabInheritance] is true, it will return DefaultGripPoseInfo if nor the prefab nor a parent prefab entry were found

See Also


UxrGrabPointInfo Class
GetGripPoseInfo Overload
UltimateXR.Manipulation Namespace