UxrAvatar.GetAvatarChain Method

Gets the UxrAvatar component chain. This is the avatar’s own UxrAvatar component followed by all parent prefab UxrAvatar components up to the root parent prefab. If the avatar is an instance the first component will reference its own component instantiated in the scene, not the avatar component in the source prefab. GetPrefabGuidChain() can be used to traverse the prefab chain information including the source prefab.

Namespace: UltimateXR.Avatar
Assembly: UltimateXR (in UltimateXR.dll) Version:



public IEnumerable<UxrAvatar> GetAvatarChain()

Return Value

Type: IEnumerable(UxrAvatar)
Upwards UxrAvatar component chain. If the avatar is a prefab itself, it will be the first component in the list. If the avatar is an instance, the first component will be the one from the instance instead of the source prefab. Components cannot store references to their own prefab because on instantiation they will automatically point to the instantiated component. GetPrefabGuidChain() can be used to traverse the prefab information chain, including the source prefab.

See Also


UxrAvatar Class
UltimateXR.Avatar Namespace