UxrGrabManager.ObjectReleasing Event

Event called whenever a UxrGrabber component is about to release the UxrGrabbableObject that it is holding and there is no UxrGrabbableObjectAnchor nearby to place it on. The following properties from UxrManipulationEventArgs will contain meaningful data:  

  • GrabbableObject: Object that is about to be released.
  • GrabbableAnchor: Anchor where the object was originally grabbed from. Null if it wasn’t grabbed from an anchor.
  • Grabber: Grabber that is about to release the object.
  • GrabPointIndex: Grab point index of the object that is being grabbed by the UxrGrabber.
  • IsMultiHands: true if it is already being grabbed with another hand that will keep it holding. False if no other hand is currently grabbing it.
  • IsSwitchHands: True if it was released because another UxrGrabber grabbed it, false otherwise. if IsMultiHands is true then IsSwitchHands will tell if it was released by both hands (false) or if it was just released by one hand and the other one still keeps it grabbed (true).
  • ReleaseVelocity: Velocity the object is being released with.
  • ReleaseAngularVelocity: Angular velocity the object is being released with.
  Namespace: UltimateXR.Manipulation
Assembly: UltimateXR (in UltimateXR.dll) Version:



public event EventHandler<UxrManipulationEventArgs> ObjectReleasing


Type: System.EventHandler(UxrManipulationEventArgs)


If the object is being released on a UxrGrabbableObjectAnchor that can hold it, it will generate a ObjectPlacing event instead. Whenever an object is released it will either generate either a Place or Release event, but not both.

See Also


UxrGrabManager Class
UltimateXR.Manipulation Namespace